Back to the nerve-cracking things that I need to do. I need to finish our group presentation in Rizal including the written report and the minimum of 5 pages reaction about the political evo of Rizal as our final project. Plus to that, our finals in Eco tomorrow and quiz in Stat. Plus, the labor cost and manpower chuchu and construction diagram in Construction Works. Plus our Prof wants us to conduct a site visit again. My God, my whole week is occupied. Plus, finals in Integ on Monday! ( Even typing that is a little bit stressful.)
I do not have the intention for you to feel stressful too. :)) Haha.
One thing, I'm excited for our swimming! Yeehah!
Hmm. Thank God, inspite of all of those stress-provoking situations, you dropped someone who have the ability to erase them all. (Naks!) When I see him, the badtrip just goes away. Weeh!
Don't thinkof anybody else. That's Enchong Dee! He's so cute in his new Bench Daily Scent commercial, agree?! (Nakakawala sa sarili! Joke!:) )

A picture from Facebook.
(Just can't resist those tantalizing eyes! Whew!)
♥just g.
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