How time flies! Who'd have thought it has been eight years? Eight years after graduating elementary. Calculating the time that have passed, we must be starting to fulfill our dreams right now. I mean, we are supposed to graduate by this year. But there are many stories to tell; all about obstructions that hindered our pathways. But whatever happened - even if we have manage to study or not, have marry early or start to have our own family, if we are on the right path or not - we cannot deny the fact that we were once children eight years ago. Naive. Full of hopes and dreams. Didn't even know the truth about life; that it is not always sweet.
I used to think that life is all about going to school to meet my playmates, playing with them until I got weary and dirty, and going home telling stories about how happy or pissing my day is. And that was life for a child who's starting to explore the world, who's just starting to learn many things, who's just starting to gain understanding about real living. We were once that child and forever we'll be.
One of the best things in life is reconnecting with childhood friends. Very nostalgic. You're feeling young again. Reminiscing funny moments together; the girl who peed in her skirt while practicing for field day, the boy who fell flat on his face while running, the noisy list to the nth power (X2, X10 or X100) which you are required to pay 1peso for each strike, the class clown who acted like an autistic child saying "Magsumbong ka sa baranggay!", the burog-talangka going home crying.
I just wanna thank my long lost childhood friends for making me feel young again. I can't wait to go back there again. I want to make up with the years that has slipped away.
After writing this, I'm going back to the real world. Until next time my friends, we'll play patintero and kapukan again until we just sat down because of weariness. There are times we got dage, all we need is to ask for a time pers. I know time will come that we will not be burog-talangka in this game of life, we will succeed. Until then, we won’t need to say goodbye.

Err. Patintero. i miss playing that game! haha :D
ReplyDeletechildhood, oh i miss childhood too. Ü
Thanks kryk for commenting. I don't know how to pronounce your name or is it your initials? haha Wtv. ♥